
Adult students should apply for summer grants by May 1

Do you know any adults interested in returning to campus this summer as an undergraduate, graduate or Special Student at UW-Madison?

Adults may be eligible for receiving financial assistance to get started with one class for this summer. The summer deadline is May 1. Deadlines for the two semesters vary.

UW-Madison Continuing Studies offers Continuing Education grants that provide in-state tuition for one three-credit course three times a year: fall and spring semesters and for Summer Term. Deadlines for the two semester grants differ.

For this round of grants, applicants must have a significant break (usually five years or more) in their educations–a requirement for all the grants–and plan to enroll in one course during Summer Term.

Continuing Studies awards from four to 20 grants during each semester and Summer Term.
Details about criteria and applying can be found at continuingstudies.wisc.edu/advising/ce-grant.htm.

For more information, call grant coordinator Jane Schimmel of Adult Career and Special Student Services at 608-263-6960 or email her at Jane Schimmel.